Course Layout
Within each course, you'll find the following sections:
1) Welcome
The Welcome section outlines a few key things you'll want to know about the course - and also tells you how to get the most out of the course possible!
Your course guide is also found in the Welcome section.
2) Resources
Here's where you'll find a few articles that explain how to use the various resources that you get with each course.
3) Episodes
Here's where you'll find the majority of your course. Each episode (or Adventure) contains the video, as well as a worksheet and answer guide. You can also find articles that go along with the video!
Make sure and review all of the content made available to you to get the most out of your course possible!
Here's what you need to know when reading the Dig Deeper articles:
We've got two main authors of our articles - Randall Niles and Titus Kennedy. Titus is our resident Archaeologist, and Randall is the lead writer for Drive Thru History®.
The main difference between the two is that Titus's articles are more in-depth and academic, while Randall's articles are shorter and more accessible for the whole family.
We'd suggest using Randall's writings alongside the Adventures for every student, while Titus's articles can be supplemented for more advanced students.
You can learn more about the article breakout within your Course Guide.
Here's a couple of links to help you find articles from each writer:
Adventures Community
As a member of the Adventures family, you have access to our exclusive Facebook group! Within each course, you'll see a link to the group (see reference image to the left). Simply click and request to join!
Additionally, every Adventure has a comment section that we monitor - we'd love to hear your input and comments!
Interacting with other Drive Thru History® fans through the Facebook group and the Adventures comments is a great way to get even more out of each course!

Statement of Faith
We at Drive Thru History®: Adventures are followers of Jesus Christ. Our approach is to foster a cooperative spirit among us and see our denominational backgrounds as an opportunity to promote the elements of Christianity that unite, not divide us.
Our shared love for the risen Jesus and our strong commitment to historic, orthodox “Nicene Creed” Christianity has been the glue to hold together our creative work for over two decades.
Our mission is to deliver the real people, real places, and real events of the Bible and its worldview influence over two millennia. Thus, our focus is Scripture in the context of history, geography, archaeology, and transformational impact.
Regardless of denominational affiliation, we work together to create educational media where all Christian families feel comfortable engaging our content in a spirit of truth, love, and adventure.
The Nicene Creed
The first ecumenical council of Christian leaders met in Nicaea in 325 AD. From the Greek, “ecumenical” means worldwide. So, basically, this was the first official meeting of the worldwide church. Nicaea is about two hours southeast of Istanbul in modern-day Turkey.
Here, Christian bishops from all over the Mediterranean region debated church doctrine concerning the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. In particular, they considered the views of Arius, an influential church leader from Alexandria, Egypt, who taught that Jesus was created by God and was not of the same nature as God himself. In the end, the council rejected Arianism and adopted the first universal statement of Christian belief known as the Nicene Creed:
We believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the Son of God,
begotten from the Father, only-begotten,that is, from the substance of the Father,
God from God,
light from light,
true God from true God,
begotten not made,
of one substance with the Father,
through Whom all things came into being,
things in heaven and things on earth,
Who because of us men and because of our salvation came down,
and became incarnate
and became man,
and suffered,
and rose again on the third day,
and ascended to the heavens,
and will come to judge the living and dead,
And in the Holy Spirit.